Sinus lift


Sinus lift is an oral surgical procedure for cases of bone deficiency. It's recommended when the patient's bone structure isn't suitable for implant placement, requiring bone grafting material to properly shape the upper jaw.

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  5. Pleasant environment
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What is a Sinus Lift?

A sinus lift, also known as sinus augmentation, is an oral surgical procedure aimed at increasing jawbone thickness for stable implant placement. During the procedure, we elevate the sinus floor and fill the created space with bone grafting material, which eventually transforms into new bone tissue.

Why Might You Need a Sinus Lift?

A sinus lift may be necessary when the upper jawbone isn't thick enough for safe implant placement. This often occurs when bone has resorbed after natural tooth loss, or when the sinus's anatomical position doesn't allow for implantation.

Closed Sinus Lift (Internal Sinus Lift)

Closed or internal sinus lift is a less invasive procedure compared to open sinus lift, typically used when only minor bone thickness increase is needed. The bone grafting material hardens and integrates over time, creating a safe foundation for implant placement.

Open Sinus Lift (External Sinus Lift)

Open or external sinus lift is a more complex procedure used when significant bone grafting is needed. We make a small incision in the sinus wall, lift the membrane, and directly place the bone grafting material in the desired area, covering it with a special material for faster healing.

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How I'm received and how things work matters a lot to me... I must say, I was very pleasantly surprised. I've had many surgeries, but all my fears disappeared here because I was greeted by kind, smiling people when I entered. They were very skilled, the treatment was quick and painless. Keep up the good work!

How is Sinus Lift Surgery Performed?

We perform sinus lift surgery under local anesthesia. During the procedure, we first make an incision in the gum, then access the sinus cavity. We carefully lift the membrane and fill the created space with bone grafting material. Finally, we close the gum and secure it with sutures.

How Long Does a Sinus Lift Take?

Sinus lift surgery duration depends on procedure complexity, ranging from 10-15 minutes to an hour. Post-procedure healing time can take 4-6 months for the grafted material to provide a stable foundation for future implants.

Bone Grafting Materials (Natural and Synthetic)

Bone grafting materials used in sinus lifts can be natural or synthetic. Natural bone grafts are typically of animal origin, while synthetic ones are made from artificial materials. Both types have their advantages.

Natural bone grafts are biologically compatible and integrate naturally into body tissues. They're less likely to be rejected and often result in faster healing. Synthetic bone grafts are sterilized, allergen-free, and carry no infection risk. They're easily moldable to meet specific area requirements.

What to Watch for After Sinus Lift?

Several factors require attention for quick and successful healing after sinus lift:

Rest and avoid physical strain: Rest is crucial in the first days post-procedure. Avoid strenuous physical activities that could increase blood pressure and slow healing.

Follow medical instructions: Take prescribed medications (painkillers, antibiotics) as directed.

Oral hygiene: Avoid mouth rinsing for the first 24 hours. Afterward, use mild salt solution rinses to prevent infections.

Diet: Consume soft, lukewarm foods and avoid hot, spicy foods that could irritate the surgical area.

Avoid nose blowing: This can increase sinus pressure and damage the grafted material.

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