What is Gnathology?

Gnathology is the branch of dentistry that deals with temporomandibular joint (TMJ), bite, and masticatory muscle problems. This specialty examines effects not only on teeth but also on the entire head-neck region and the rest of the body. Poor bite affecting the jaw joint and masticatory muscles often causes problems like jaw clicking, teeth grinding, headaches, tinnitus, or even posture issues. Gnathology aims to diagnose and treat these problems, improving patients' quality of life.

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How Can Gnathology Help? How to Eliminate Pain Points?

Masticatory muscle and TMJ problems can seriously affect the entire body. When the jaw doesn't close properly, masticatory muscles can become overloaded, causing constant tension, reducing blood flow, and damaging muscles involved in chewing. This often leads to painful trigger points that can cause headaches, tinnitus, and even poor posture.

Gnathology offers solutions to these problems by restoring the TMJ and masticatory muscles. During such treatments, we consider not just the teeth but the entire body to create proper bite alignment.

Restoring optimal function of the masticatory system is the foundation of gnathology. This unique technique enables elimination of pain points without surgery. Gnathologist dentists help restore bite through thorough examinations and precise treatment methods, improving posture and reducing pain. Gnathology aims to restore whole-body harmony while patients can enjoy daily life comfortably and pain-free.


The Connection Between Improper Bite and Facial Aesthetics

Teeth and improper bite affect not only your smile but significantly impact facial aesthetics. Incorrect jaw movement forces facial muscles to compensate, resulting in muscle bulges, flattened surfaces, and tired facial expressions characteristic of aging. Symptomatic treatments like plastic surgery aren't sufficient for such problems. Through gnathology, we treat root causes, achieving long-lasting improvement.

Can Signs of Aging Have Dental Origins? Gnathology Can Answer This Too!

Facial aging signs often trace back to dental problems. Consider these questions:

  • Have thickened, widened facial masticatory muscles developed from poor chewing?
  • Are wrinkles caused by aging or incorrect jaw position?
  • Does smiling look more like grimacing? Is it really age and "tired" skin causing this?

Gnathology can answer these questions and help eliminate dental-origin problems contributing to visible aging signs. Remember, gnathology can improve not just your smile but your entire facial expression!

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Why Choose Dental Angels for Treatment?

  1. Experienced gnathologist specialists: Doctors with extensive expertise in gnathology thoroughly assess problems and create personalized treatment plans
  2. More than just comfortable bite: Proper bite positively affects not just teeth and jaw but the entire body, including posture, back pain, and headaches
  3. Painless treatments: Our modern anesthetic technologies make treatments completely painless
  4. Understanding colleagues: We consider all needs to ensure your comfort during treatments
  5. We answer all questions: Available before, during, and after treatment to answer any questions
  6. Help from mild cases to complete oral rehabilitation: Whether small or large problems, we do everything for your health!
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