Teeth grinding


Teeth grinding, or bruxism, is a serious problem affecting every second person. It usually occurs unconsciously during sleep, so many people only face its discomfort when visiting our dental clinic. Let's prevent trouble, book an appointment now!

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Why Choose Dental Angels for Treating Teeth Grinding?

  1. Experienced specialists
    Multiple specialties work together when needed
  2. Quick solution
    Problem can be solved in 1-2 dental visits depending on the case
  3. We help maintain teeth long-term
    We treat both symptoms and causes
  4. Understanding colleagues:
    We consider all needs
  5. We answer all questions
    Before, during, and after treatment!

Causes and Symptoms of Teeth Grinding

It's well known that our fast-paced, stressful lifestyle prevents many of us from sleeping peacefully. We toss and turn restlessly, and due to nervousness, we unconsciously start clenching and grinding our teeth. By morning, our facial muscles may ache and feel sore. Head, neck, or even shoulder and back pain can occur! Our smile imperceptibly changes over the years, and we only notice the drastic difference caused by nighttime tooth wear when looking at old photos.

Besides wearing down teeth, nighttime grinding can cause fatigue, depression, headaches, neck pain, numbness, tinnitus, and even migraine attacks!

The main cause of teeth clenching and grinding is that the jaw joint cannot reach its resting closure point due to unbalanced contact between upper and lower teeth. This imbalance can be caused by a larger crown or a higher filling. During sleep, some people grind back and forth, others sideways.

Why Do We Grind Unconsciously?

Because the joint normally makes reflexive, minimal movements during this time. Therefore, if someone's teeth grew normally on the sides but front teeth don't meet, they'll keep trying to clench until contact occurs – which is impossible.

Forward-backward grinding often develops at a young age, as wisdom teeth growing in all directions, though symptom-free, frequently create unnoticed obstacles to proper biting and chewing movements. When wisdom teeth grow hidden in the bone and press against the last molars, poor contact can also occur. However, it's possible we're just reacting to daily stress in our sleep, or a bad habit is behind it. Only a dentist can determine the exact cause.

All Problems Solved Without Surgery!


Previously, I had bad teeth, clicking jaw, and teeth grinding during sleep. I never understood why I was so tired, but then I found Dental Facelift treatment and the first session proved I needed it! In just 2.5 months, all problems were solved WITHOUT SURGERY! I'm sincerely grateful to them because I've never felt better in my skin. Not only can I smile more genuinely, but sleep is much more restful!

Consequences of Teeth Grinding: Wear and Pain

Front teeth edges wear down and chip, affected teeth develop cervical wear. In more severe cases, serious wear appears on all chewing surfaces. It's a misconception that chewing wears down teeth, as chewing a bite takes about half a minute, during which molars contact for only 0.2 seconds. This time is "nothing" compared to nighttime grinding that can last up to 45 minutes.

The consequences can extend beyond teeth, including temporal pain, neck tension, and even back pain. Due to the connection between the jaw joint and inner ear structure, ear congestion, clicking, or migraines can develop.

When we raise teeth and restore them to their ideal position, establishing proper bite height, wrinkles around the mouth can smooth out. In severe, untreated cases, the joint itself becomes damaged, its surfaces wear down. X-rays can diagnose changes confirming the long-term presence of pathological movements.

What Can We Do About Teeth Grinding?

Since the joint cannot regenerate on its own, the situation can often be improved with carefully measured bite raising and various anti-grinding splints, also known as Michigan splints. This prevents deterioration, but only orthodontics can finalize the new bite.

In severe cases, oral surgery may be necessary. In certain cases, teamwork is essential, with doctors from multiple specialties coordinating their work. An oral surgeon might remove an angled wisdom tooth, an orthodontist adjusts tooth direction, position, and size, and an aesthetic dentist creates the final form, color, and placement.

fogcsikorgatás - dentalangels.hu

Teeth grinding / TMI

  • Face-to-face measurement41 000 HUF
  • TMI inspection and balancing121,000 HUF
  • Michigan device315,000 HUF
  • Night bite lift55,000 HUF
  • Sports mouthguard65,000 HUF
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