legal notice
This website is maintained and operated by Dental Angels Kft. (company registration number: 01-09-320109, tax number: 26249913-2-41, registered office: 1015 Budapest, Hattyú utca 16. I./7.), registered by the Commercial Court of the Metropolitan Court, in accordance with the relevant Hungarian legislation.
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Dental Angls Kft. expressly excludes all liability arising from the use of the website. Dental Angls Kft. assumes no liability for any content errors, untimeliness, inaccuracies, typos and technical problems of the website, or for any damages arising from reliance on them. In the absence of a valid written agreement or order, Dental Angls Kft. further excludes liability arising from contact via e-mail or chat, or from the failure to do so.
Dental Angls Kft. reserves the right to change the content of the website in whole or in part at any time.
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